• 无人机


概览:2024年7月8日- 19日



  • 运动野营

    成绩:2 - 6
    体育营提供了一个非竞争性, 有趣的, 为所有技能水平和性别的营员提供了迷人的氛围. 不一定要有运动经验. Our diverse and energetic staff is committed to teaching a variety of sports and athletic 游戏 along with camp specialties (Nitroball, 终极夺旗, 球戏, 蜘蛛球)和学习他们可能甚至不知道存在的东西. 另外, we hope to instill in campers an understanding of good sportsmanship and teamwork skills. 
  • 高峰探索者-加州冒险

    等级:1 - 5
    加入我们的加州主题夏令营,开启一个无尽的冒险之旅! Dive into arts and crafts sessions inspired by California's vibrant culture, 享受捕捉金州精髓的比赛. From creating beach-themed masterpieces to friendly competitions that mirror the diversity of San Francisco, 我们的营地提供令人难忘的户外探险, 创造力, 和有趣的. 和我们一起度过一个充满激情的夏天, 友谊, 以及金州无与伦比的魅力!
  • 开拓者队-加州野生动物队

    山脉、河流、沙漠、海滩和海洋——加州应有尽有! And it also has so many different animals and insects that live in different habitats. 探索 the different landscapes of our beautiful state and learn about the animals that share our land. 从黑熊到帝王蝶再到加州秃鹰, 每天都会覆盖一个新的栖息地以及生活在那里的物种. The session will wrap up as we prepare for a California safari of our own to see “animals” that live on our very own campus!


半天:上午9:00 -下午12:30


  • 高峰探索者-加州冒险

    等级:1 - 5
    加入我们的加州主题夏令营,开启一个无尽的冒险之旅! Dive into arts and crafts sessions inspired by California's vibrant culture, 享受捕捉金州精髓的比赛. From creating beach-themed masterpieces to friendly competitions that mirror the diversity of San Francisco, 我们的营地提供令人难忘的户外探险, 创造力, 和有趣的. 和我们一起度过一个充满激情的夏天, 友谊, 以及金州无与伦比的魅力!
  • 开拓者队-加州野生动物队

    山脉、河流、沙漠、海滩和海洋——加州应有尽有! And it also has so many different animals and insects that live in different habitats. 探索 the different landscapes of our beautiful state and learn about the animals that share our land. 从黑熊到帝王蝶再到加州秃鹰, 每天都会覆盖一个新的栖息地以及生活在那里的物种. The session will wrap up as we prepare for a California safari of our own to see “animals” that live on our very own campus!
  • 运动野营

    年级(s): 2 - 6
    成本: $595 (加上游泳课程,收费188美元)
    描述: 体育营提供了一个非竞争性, 有趣的, 为所有技能水平和性别的营员提供了迷人的氛围. 不一定要有运动经验. Our diverse and energetic staff is committed to teaching a variety of sports and athletic 游戏 along with camp specialties (Nitroball, 终极夺旗, 球戏, 蜘蛛球)和学习他们可能甚至不知道存在的东西. 另外, we hope to instill in campers an understanding of good sportsmanship and teamwork skills. 



  • CIT计划-第二部分

    成绩:8 - 10
    The CIT program will provide a hands-on opportunity to develop a variety of skills necessary for future employment as a camp counselor and for skills that will help them work with campers. CITs will have a well-structured yet flexible series of workshops where they will have the opportunity to learn more about the different aspects of being a camp counselor and working with campers. CITs will learn valuable leadership and communications skills and have the opportunity to participate in a self-motivated program designed around their ambitions to work towards their goal of being a camp counselor. 国旅学生将通过参加游泳活动来发展技能, 游戏, 实地考察旅行, first aid and child safety as well as leadership and child psychology courses. Our goal is to give young people the opportunity to work under a qualified director and to begin to learn and understand the demands and responsibilities of a camp counselor’s job. 营员们将把cit视为领导者和榜样, 因此, 高标准的行为准则, attitude and good judgment are expected at all times while working with campers.



  • 类 & 信息

    Our summer enrichment classes are a great option for families looking to customize their child’s summer experience. 更多信息和课程安排 在这里.



  • 游泳课

    赌场捕鱼网投 夏天 Aquatics Program provides eight 20-minute lessons in a session (Monday – Thursday) for campers 4-years-old and up. 我们的课程是为所有游泳水平的孩子设计的, 基于美国红十字会的“学会游泳”课程. Little swimmers will discover how to fully submerge their face and blow bubbles and experience supported floating and kicking on front and back. 更高级的游泳者将开始学习手臂交替动作, 在水下游泳, 有节奏的呼吸, 主要的中风. 为游泳者准备更先进的技术, 一个程序可以适应您的游泳者的个人需求.

    Campers enrolled in Summit Seekers, 运动野营, Little Owls, and Half Day Trail Blazers, 可以在他们的日营时间增加游泳课吗. Our camp staff will pick up these campers from their camp programs and take them to their swim lessons (and back). 这些游泳课程由训练有素的救生员和游泳教练教授, 是由两名学生和一名老师组成的小组. 


    私人游泳课在露营时间后进行,是一对一的, 20 minute individualized lessons with our trained lifeguards and swim instructors. 这些活动发生在周一至周四下午3:30至5:30之间.


    *Note: Make up swim lessons are not provided if you are unable to attend camp.



  • 延伸护理


    上午延长护理是免费的,从早上8点开始. 我们不收取提前下车的费用, we do ask that you check off this “add on” option during registration so that we can take account of how many campers to expect in the mornings for our staffing planning purposes. 另外, 我们在注册时提供“早餐俱乐部”作为“附加”选项, which provides a hot breakfast and fruit/cereal options from 8-8:30AM daily at an additional charge of $8 per meal.


    Afternoon 延伸护理 is an additional cost that you can “add on” as an option during registration. Extended care is staffed by seasoned camp counselors who engage with campers through a menu of choice activities: arts and crafts, 游戏, 户外设备. 下午延长护理时间为下午3:30-5:30. 

    请尽量在下午五点半前到达. 我们认识到,有时会出现不可避免的挑战, 因此, 我们的政策是,迟到一次后, a $1.每分钟罚款00英镑. The staff will notify you at the time of pickup, and the fee will be charged to you.  The 夏天 Programs Director will follow-up with the collection of this fee (that goes directly to the staff that must work overtime). 如果不立即支付,将被扣5美元.00 processing fee will be billed to your account in addition to your late fee.


    Please be aware that on the last day of camp for Session 3 we will not offer 延伸护理. 我们将在下午3:45关门.



  • 运输

    We provide two different bus routes during the summer, and the cost is as follows:
      • 第一阶段:$65(单程)
      • 第二阶段:70美元(单程)
      • 第三阶段:70美元(单程)
        • 每位兄弟姐妹以上价格打五折
    Your child must be pre-registered to ride the bus through our registration system. 交通运输是我们系统中的“附加”, 家庭可以报名参加早班交通, 下午运输, 或两个. 巴士路线可在我们的网页上找到 网站

    Our school buses are the big yellow buses and will read “赌场捕鱼网投” on the side. If registration for transportation is low, we may be using our school vans. 每辆车每天都要进行安全检查. 所有司机都是经过认证的校车司机, 遵守所有州和联邦的驾驶法规. 所有的校车都配备了手机. 

    Afternoon Drop-off: PLEASE inform the 赌场捕鱼网投 夏天 team by email if your child will NOT be utilizing the PM bus system. It is critical that we are informed in advance regarding who needs to be on the bus to go back home each day. If a parent or authorized pickup person is not at a bus stop at drop off time, your child will be brought back to 赌场捕鱼网投 and brought to extended care. 

    Morning Pick-up: If a child is not present at the bus stop for the morning pick-up, the driver will leave to make it to the next stop on time with the campers who are present. 如果你要缺席,你不需要打电话给学校, 如果你的孩子不在场,就不要在某一天乘坐公交车, the driver will assume that you are not planning to use the bus on that day. We work with our drivers to ensure that they do NOT leave before the designated time listed, 除非事先和家属沟通过.